
Climate change could affect timekeeping, study says

2024-04-16 / 0 评论 / 5 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...

Climate change is affecting the speed of the Earth's rotation and could impact how we keep time, a study says.

"Global warming is already affecting global timekeeping," says the study, published in the journal Nature.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - which is used by most of the world to regulate clocks and time - is calculated by the Earth's rotation.

But the Earth's rotation rate is not constant and can therefore have an effect on how long our days and nights are.

Changes to the planet's liquid core have meant the Earth has been spinning slightly quicker.

Since the 1970s, to correct for this, about 27 leap seconds have been added to the global clock, with timekeepers planning on subtracting a second for the first time in 2026. This is known as a "negative leap second."
自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,为了纠正这一现象,全球时钟已经增加了约 27 个闰秒,计时员计划将在 2026 年首次减少一秒。这被称为 "负闰秒"。

However, the study finds that ice melting caused by climate change has partly offset that acceleration.

Ice sheets are now losing mass five times faster than they were 30 years ago, meaning that the negative leap second change will not be needed until 2029, the study suggests.

"It's kind of impressive, even to me, we've done something that measurably changes how fast the Earth rotates," Duncan Agnew, the author of the study, told NBC News.
这项研究的作者邓肯•阿格纽告诉美国全国广播公司新闻(NBC News):"即使对我来说,我们已经做了一些可以适度地改变地球旋转速度的事情,这也是令人印象深刻的。"

"Things are happening that are unprecedented."

The negative leap second has never been used before and, according to the study, its use "will pose an unprecedented problem" for computer systems across the world.
负闰秒以前从未使用过,根据这项研究,负闰秒的使用将给全球计算机系统 "带来前所未有的问题"。

"This has never happened before, and poses a major challenge to making sure that all parts of the global timing infrastructure show the same time," Mr Agnew, who is a researcher at the University of California, San Diego told AFP news agency.

"Many computer programs for leap seconds assume they are all positive, so these would have to be rewritten," he added.

There has been some skepticism of the study, however.

Demetrios Matsakis, former chief scientist for time services at the US Naval Observatory, told AFP that "Earth is too unpredictable to be sure" if a negative leap second would be needed any time soon.

Human activities like burning fossil fuels are causing world temperatures to rise.

That temperature rise is having a huge effect on the environment, including the rapid melting of glaciers and ice sheets.


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